

2024/In Press

Kuokkanen, J., Saarinen, M., Phipps, D.J., & Romar, J.E. (In press). Unveiling the Longitudinal Reciprocal Relationship Between Burnout and Engagement Among Adolescent Athletes in Sport Schools. Journal of Adolescence.

Phipps, D.J., Nott. N., Hamilton, K. (2024). An integrated dual process model in predicting e-cigarette use in undergraduate students. Applied Psychology: Health and Wellbeing.

Simpson, D., Phipps, D.J., Fleig, L., Jenkins. K., Hagger, M.S., & Hamilton, K. (2024). Applied Psychology: Health and Wellbeing.

Hamilton, K., Keech, J., Phipps, D.J., Peden, A., & Hagger, M.S. (2024). Identifying the Psychological Correlates of Parents’ Intentions to Enrol their Children in Learn-to-Swim Lessons for the First Time. Journal of Safety Research. 

Phipps, D.J., Hagger, M.S., Mejia, D., Hamilton, K. (2024). Testing the effect of cue consistency on the past behavior-habit-physical activity relationship. Behavioral Sciences. 14(6).

Saarinen, M., Phipps, D.J., & Bjørndal, C. (2024). Mental health in student-athletes in Norwegian lower secondary sport schools. BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine. 10, e001955.

Phipps D.J. & Hamilton K. (2024). Predicting Undergraduates’ Willingness to Engage in Dangerous E-Scooter Use Behaviors. Traffic F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. 103, 500-511.

Thi Nung*, M,  Phipps, D. J., Parkison, J, Cassimatis, M, Hamilton, K. (2024). Identifying Key Beliefs Underlying QR Code Check-In and Compliance Behaviours in the COVID-19 Pandemic. Health Promotion Journal of Australia.

Phipps, D.J., Green, W., Aho, R, .... Hagger, M.S., & Knittle, K. (2024). An online physical activity promotion intervention for inactive parent-child dyads: Protocol for a randomised controlled trial. JMIR Research Protocols. 13(1).

Phipps, D.J., Brown, D.J., Hagger, M.S., Hamilton, K. (2024). Can the Cans: Determinants of Container Deposit Behavior before and after Introduction of a Container Refund Scheme. Behavioral Sciences, 14. 

Iso-Markku, P., Aaltonen, S., Kujala, U. M., Halme, H. L., Phipps, D. J., Knittle, K., Vuoksimaa, E., Waller, K. (2024). Association of Physical activity with cognitive decline among Older Adults: A Meta-analysis.  JAMA Network Open.


Thi Nung*, M,  Phipps, D. J., Parkison, J, Cassimatis, M, Hamilton, K, (2024). Using an integrated social cognition model to identify the determinants of QR code check-in compliance behaviors in the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Health Psychology.  29(6).

Browning*., N., Phipps, D. J., Rhodes, R., & Hamilton, K. (2023). Testing the Moderative Role of Automatic-Reflective Affect Divergence in Predicting Physical Activity . Psychology of Sport and Exercise.

Phipps, D. J., Hagger, M.S., & Hamilton, K. (2023). The predictive effects of the theory of planned behaviour, habit, and self-control on adolescent’s sugar intake. Brain & Behavior. (download)

Phipps, D. J. & Hamilton, K. (2023). Creating Implicit Measure Stimulus Sets Using a Multi-Step Piloting Method. Method and Protocols. 6(3), 47 (download) 

Sas, S., Phipps, D. J., Hagger, M. S., & Hamilton, K. (2023). The mediating role of behavioural automaticity and intention on past to future bootcamp attendance. Australian Psychologist.

Hagger, M. S., Hamilton, K., Phipps, D. J., Protogerou, C., Zhang, C.-Q., Girelli, L., Mallia, L., & Lucidi, F. (2023). Effects of habit and intention on behavior: Meta-analysis and test of key moderators. Motivation Science. 9(2), 74-94.

Hamilton, K., Phipps, D. J., Loxton, N., Modeski, K., & Hagger, M. S. (2023). Past behavior, implicit identity, and habits: a cross-lagged panel design. Journal of Health Psychology. (download)

Jenkins, K., Buchan, J., Rhodes, R., Phipps, D.J., & Hamilton, K. (2023). A Dual Processing Approach to Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour in the Workplace. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being. (download)


Phipps, D. J., Hannan, T. E., & Hamilton, K. (2022). A Cross-Lagged Model of Habits, Implicit Attitudes, and Intrinsic Motivation Towards Physical Activity During COVID-19. Psychology, Health, and Medicine.   (download)

Modecki, K., Phipps, D.J, Cox, A., Loxton, N. J., Hamilton, K., Caton, N., & Elwin, M. (2022). Unravelling Reciprocal Effects Among Young Adults’ Binge Drinking, Stress, and Anticipated Regret. Addictive Behaviors, 107432.

Phipps, D. J., Rhodes, R., Hannan, T. E., Jenkins, K., Browning*., N., & Hamilton, K. (2022). A Dual Process Model of Affective and Instrumental Implicit Attitude, Self-monitoring, and Sedentary Behavior. Psychology of Sport and Exercise. (download)


Hamilton, K., Phipps, D.J., Schmidt, P., Bamberg, S., & Ajzen, I. (2021). First Test of the Theory of Reasoned Goal Pursuit: Predicting Physical Activity. Psychology & Health. (download)

Ng H.T., Zhang, C., Phipps, D. J., Zhang, R., Hamilton, K. (2021). Effects of anxiety and sleep on engagement among university students. Australian Psychologist, 57(1).

Phipps, D. J., Hagger, M. S., & Hamilton, K. (2021). Evidence That Habit Moderates the Implicit Belief-Behavior Relationship in Health Behaviors. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine. (download)

Phipps, D. J., Hannan, T. E., Rhodes, R. E., & Hamilton, K. (2021). A Dual Process Model of Affective and Instrumental Attitudes in Predicting Physical Activity. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 54, 101899. (download)


Phipps, D. J., Hagger, M. S., & Hamilton, K. (2020). Predicting Limiting ‘Free Sugar’ Consumption Using an Integrated Model of Health Behavior. Appetite, 150, 104668.  (download)

Hamilton, K., Ng, H., Zang, C-Q., Phipps, D.J., & Zang, R. (2020). Social psychological predictors of sleep hygiene behaviors in Australian and Hong Kong university students. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 28(2), 214-226.


Saarinen, M, Phipps, D.J., & Bjørndal, C.T. (2024). Mental health in student-athletes in Norwegian lower secondary sport schools: 2023. Norwegian School of Sport Sciences.

Hamilton, K., Keech, J. J., Phipps, D. J., Peden, A., & Hagger, M. S. (2020). Identifying the psychological and environmental correlates of parents’ intentions to enrol their young children to learn to swim for the first time.  Griffith University and Royal Life Saving Society – Australia.

Hamilton, K., Phipps, D. J., & Peden, A. (2019). Supervising and restricting young children’s access to water: Program evaluation of ‘Keep Watch.  Griffith University and Royal Life Saving Society – Australia. (download)


Phipps, D.J., Saarinen, M., Green, W.T., Lintunen, T., Knittle, K., & Hagger, M.S. (2024). Predicting Physical Activity Intentions, Habits, and Action Plans in Finnish Parent-Child Dyads.

Phipps, D. J., Hagger, M. S., & Hamitlon, K. (2024). Relative Effects of Implicit and Explicit Attitudes on Behavior: Meta-Analysis and Test of Key Moderators.

Phipps, D. J., Hagger, M. S., & Hamitlon, K. (2019). A Meta-Analysis of Implicit and Explicit Attitudes in Children and Adolescents.


Phipps, D. J. (2020). An SC-IAT in JsPsych. Zenodo.

Phipps, D. J. (2019). ShareSEM: Example and Template R Scripts for SEM, Bayesian, and More.

Phipps, D. J. (2019). IAT Constructor: A simplified method of creating IAT based experiments for Millisecond Software.


Phipps, D. J., Hagger, M. S. & Knittle. K. (2024). Dyadic effects on physical activity in parent-child dyads (Presenter). Social Psychology Finland Conference, Helsinki, Finland.

Phipps, D. J., Green, W., Hagger, M. S. & Knittle. K. (2023). Designing an integrated behavior change intervention of inactive parent child dyads (Presenter). Finnish Health Psychology Conference, Helsinki, Finland.

Hamilton, K., Phipps, D. J., Peden, A., Keech, J. J., Dalgas, B.W., & Hagger, M. S. (2023). Social cognition predictors of drowning preventive behaviours: A meta-analysis and test of key moderators (Co-Author). World Drowning Congress 2023, Perth, Australia.

Phipps, D. J., Hamilton, K., & Hagger, M. S. (2023) Relative Effects of Implicit and Explicit Attitudes on Behavior: Meta-Analysis and Test of Key Moderators (Presenter). European Health Psychology Conference 2023, Bremen, Germany.

Hamilton, K., Phipps, D. J., Peden, A., Keech, J. J., Dalgas, B.W., & Hagger, M. S. (2023). Social cognition predictors of drowning preventive behaviours: A meta-analysis (Co-Presenter). European Health Psychology Conference 2023, Bremen, Germany.

Thi Nhung, M, Phipps, D.J., Cassimatis, M., Parkinson, J., & Hamilton, K. (2023). Predicting COVID-19 QR code check-in and reporting compliance behaviours using an integreated social cognition model (Co-Author). European Health Psychology Conference 2023, Bremen, Germany.

Thi Nhung, M, Phipps, D.J., Cassimatis, M., Parkinson, J., & Hamilton, K. (2022). Predicting COVID-19 QR code check-in and reporting compliance behaviours using The Theory of Planned Behaviour (Co-Author). Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference, 2022, Perth, WA.

Phipps, D. J., Rhodes, R., Hannan, T. E., Jenkins, K., Browning*., N., & Hamilton, K. (2022). A Dual Process Model of Affective and Instrumental Implicit Attitude, Self-monitoring, and Sedentary Behavior (Presenter). Menzies Health Institude Queensland Research Conference, 2022. Gold Coast, QLD.

Phipps, D. J., Hannan, T., & Hamilton, K. (2021) A Cross-Lagged Model of Habit, Implicit Attitude, Autonomous Motivation, and Physical Activity During COVID-19 (Sympossium Presenter). In B. Mullan (Chair). Using habit theory to predict and change behaviour. [Symposium]. European Health Psychology Conference 2021, Online.

Phipps, D. J., Hamilton, K., & Hagger, M. S. (2021) Using Bayesian SEM to Test an Integrated Model of Health Behaviour (Sympossium Presenter), In S. Low-Choy (Chair) and D. J. Phipps (Co-Chair). SEM in the Real World Symposium. [Symposium]. Griffith University Researcher Education and Development, Brisbane, Australia.

Hamilton, K., Ng, H., Zang, C-Q., Phipps, D.J., & Zang, R. (2020). Social psychological predictors of sleep hygiene behaviors in Australian and Hong Kong university students (Co-Author). International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, 2020. Glasgow, Scotland.

Phipps, D. J., Hamilton, K., & Hagger, M. S. (2020) Testing a Replicable Method for Piloting Implicit Measure Stimulus (Presenter) . Australasian Society of Behavioural Health and Medicine Conference, 2020. Sydney, Australia.

Phipps, D. J., Hamilton, K., & Hagger, M. S. (2020) Predicting Limiting ‘Free Sugar’ Consumption Using an Integrated Model of Health Behavior (Presenter). Australasian Society of Behavioural Health and Medicine Conference, 2020. Sydney, Australia.

Phipps, D. J., Hagger, M. S., & Hamitlon, K. (2019). Evidence that implicit beliefs moderate the automaticity-behavior relationship in health behaviors (Poster). 33rd European Health Psychology Society Conference, 2019. Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Phipps, D. J., Hamilton, K., & Hagger, M. S. (2019). A Meta-Analysis of Implicit and Explicit Attitudes in Children and Adolescents (Presenter). Australian Psychological Society College of Health Psychologists, Adelaide, 2019. Adelaide, Australia.

Seminars and Invited Presentations

Phipps, D.J. (2019). An Introduction to Structual Equation Modelling in Health Psychology. Health Psychology Inovations Lab & Griffith University.

Phipps, D.J. & Chow, S. (2019). Structual Equation Modeling Theory and Basics in R: A 5 Part Series. Research Education Department, Griffith University.

Phipps, D.J. & Chow, S. (2020). Structual Equation Modeling Theory and Basics in R: A 5 Part Series. Research Education Department, Griffith University.

Phipps, D.J. & Chow, S. (2021).  Using Structual Equation Modelling in the Real World. Griffith University Researcher Education Department.

Phipps, D.J. & Chow, S. (2022). Structual Equation Modeling Theory and Basics in R: A 5 Part Series. Research Education Department, Griffith University.

Phipps, D.J. (2023). The Role of Explicit and Implicit Processes on Health Behaviours. Behavior Change Finland.

Research Assistant Contributions

Hagger, M.S. & Hamilton, K. (In progress). Longitudinal Relationships within the Theory of Planned Behavior: A Meta-Analysis. Role: Abstract searches, abstract screening, full text screening, data extraction, quality assessment.

Hagger, M.S. & Hamilton, K. (2022). Predicting COVID-19 booster vaccine intentions. Applied Psychology: Health and Well‐Being. Role: Data collection and management. 

Hamilton, K. & Hagger, M.S. (2022). The Vaccination Concerns in COVID-19 Scale (VaCCS): Development and validation. PloS one, 17(3), e0264784. Role: Data collection and management. 

Tatnell, D. G., Loxton, N. J., Modecki, K. L., & Hamilton, K. (2019). Testing a model of reward sensitivity, implicit and explicit drinker identity and hazardous drinking. Psychology & Health, 34(12), 1407-1420. Role: Data collection.